Fire testing

Fire protection technical means and equipment

The Fire Testing Laboratory offers facilities for testing fire protection technical means and equipment.

The range of tests performed is very large. For this reason we recommend a preliminary consultation of your individual requirements.

In this field we offer in particular:

  • Tests of components or systems used by the fire brigade such as fire hoses, fire nozzles, valves, winches, hydrants, etc. according to basic standards ČSN EN 15889, ČSN 80 8715, ČSN EN ISO 1402
  • Tests of components or systems of fixed firefighting systems that are located in buildings or industrial facilities: sprinklers and water spray systems, gas, powder and foam systems according to basic standards ČSN EN 12259, ČSN EN12416, ČSN EN 13565, ČSN P CEN/TS 14972, ČSN P CEN/TR 15276
  • Tests of fire extinguishing media such as, in addition to water, fire-extinguishing powders, gases, water mist, foam concentrates and aerosols according to basic standards ČSN EN 1568, ČSN EN 61

PAVUS, a.s.
Prosecká 412/74,
190 00 Praha 9-Prosek

ID number: 60193174
VAT number: CZ60193174

registered in the commercial register of
the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, inset 2309


Tel.: +420 286 019 587 
Data box: ft3fii7