
Extension of activities

By the Decision No. 1/2022 dated 14/3/2022, the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing authorizes PAVUS, a.s. to assess the compliance with technical requirements for selected construction products according to Government Regulation No. 163/2002 Coll. as amended by Government Regulation No. 312/2002 Coll. and No. 215/2016 Coll. This Decision supersedes the former Decision No. 3/2018 and supplements the range of product groups. PAVUS, a.s. as Authorized Body No. 216 thus continues to provide manufacturers, distributors and/or importers with services in the field of conformity assessment of previously and newly defined products. The newly defined products include in particular:

Item No. 3/2 Wooden frame and timber prefabricated construction assemblies

Item no. 3/4 Structural glued lamella products and other glued wood products

Item No. 3/8 Elements for composite wood-concrete constructions

Item No. 4/2 Structural metal construction parts

Item No. 5/8

(a) Moulding and gutter elements for applications that are subject to reaction-to-fire requirements with a defined level

b) Roof access systems, gangways and steps, roofing accessories for applications that are subject to requirements in terms of classes of roof exposure to external fire

c) Moulding and gutter elements, mechanical fasteners for roofing, roofing accessories for other applications

Item No. 5/11 Putties, mortars, adhesives and sealing tapes

Item No. 5/14 Products for wood impregnation, protective paints and coatings for wood, metal and masonry

Item No. 11/1 Products for hard floor surfaces


PAVUS, a.s.
Prosecká 412/74,
190 00 Praha 9-Prosek

ID number: 60193174
VAT number: CZ60193174

registered in the commercial register of
the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, inset 2309


Tel.: +420 286 019 587 
Data box: ft3fii7